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Friday, December 11, 2015

3 Ways ISIS is Helping the Globalist Agenda

3 Ways ISIS is Helping the Globalist Agenda 

By: Zealous Saints

ISIS, the Islamic militant group that has been spreading terror across the globe, has grown exponentially over a short period of time. The terrorist group utilizes unique tactics and propaganda spread through the internet to recruit impressionable Muslim radicals to join their fight in spreading the Islamic state and ultimately subduing Western civilization. However, let's not forget that we have another enemy lurking with a mission that is just as deviant but less blatant. 

Noticeably, there is an agenda that is being pushed by the establishment to lead the United States of America and the rest of the world into a one world government or new world order. This new world order (NWO) was prophesied in the Bible. Daniel 7:23 states, "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon Earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole Earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." The Book of Revelation and other prophetic scriptures provides further insight into this fourth beast kingdom (Revelation 13:16-18).

Where does ISIS fit into the globalist agenda? In order to bring the NWO into fruition, the establishment uses trauma-based events, political agendas, pop-cultural influences, economic trends, and just about any tactic to cause a series of domino effects that seem to be pointing directly to the rise of the NWO or fourth beast kingdom prophesied in Daniel and the Book of Revelation. Now, with Islamic terrorism on the forefront, there is no doubt that this is being used to support the globalist agenda. Here are 3 Ways ISIS actually benefits the globalists' goal of establishing a one world government:

1. Order Out of Chaos

"Out of chaos comes order" - Friedrich Nietzsche
You may have heard people refer to the establishment as the Illuminati or the elite. Whatever name or term that is dubbed, it all refers to a secretively powerful and small group of leaders conspiring, whether knowingly or unknowingly, to establish a NWO, a satanic kingdom that seeks to defy God. This satanic kingdom will ultimately be defeated by Jesus Christ.

In order to bring about this kingdom, this "order out of chaos" tactic is used. Essentially, a series of manufactured or conveniently positioned crisis are used to create chaos. And what better way to describe the current happenings in the world today but as chaos. Violent extremism is spreading in the middle east and trickling into other parts of the world. ISIS creates the disorder needed to justify the need for the U.S. and other countries to come together to establish their idea of "order." Ultimately, this order will involve decreased rights and privacy for civilians and increased militarization and gun control.

2. Induce Fear and Panic

Widespread fear and panic is induced in the hearts of many across the globe as we hear more horrific stories of gunman unexpectedly opening fire or planting bombs to kill innocent people. People are mourning the loss of loved ones and they are uncertain of their safety as they go to common places such as schools, holiday parties, soccer games, restaurants, concerts, etc. As violence increases due to the spread of ISIS influence, people will undoubtedly seek refuge in a false savior or the anti-christ. This gives the perfect opportunity for the government to offer a false sense of salvation and world peace. The public will be desperate for world peace in these troubling times, which likely means they will be willing to comply with the demands and even relinquish rights if it means world peace.

The establishment will rely heavily on the push for "world peace" in order to unite the religions, monetary systems, and governments. This will be a false sense of peace as the Bible states in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Mass fear and panic leads to widespread acceptance of this fabricated world peace.

3. Increased Control Over the Public

Almost immediately after any tragic display of mass gun violence, President Barack Obama comes out to make a statement pushing the need for more gun control. Whether or not everyone should have guns or no one should have guns is up for debate. However, one thing is certain and that is, the NWO heavily depends upon disarming the public in order to obtain the desired level of control. Increased gun violence by lone wolves influenced by ISIS is certainly being used to the advantage of this agenda by attempting to justify the need for heavy gun control. In addition to gun control, the privacy of individuals is at risk. It is difficult for the U.S. government to predict the radicalization of an individual and foresee violent acts. For this reason, the government may use this as a justifiable reason to heavily monitor its citizens, particularly online activity. 

It will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming year as ISIS continues to grow and recruit. It is unknown as to whether ISIS will be an integral part in bringing about the NWO or if the militant group will be obsolete after a few years. But is is certain that the elite is using this crisis for their benefit. It is important during these times not only pray without ceasing, but also to be very watchful, vigilant, and aware of the times that we are living in. Our hope is in Jesus Christ and, remember, that we have nothing to fear for our redemption draws near! Never cease in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ! 

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